...Prepping Meals...
For the last few years, I've been freezing single portions of various meals to eliminate eating frozen processed foods. Most frequently, I will make soups and eat them throughout the month. It's super easy, and makes life during a hectic work week a little less stressful.
My first staple frozen soup---- Vegetable with Escarole (when I ate meat, I would use the left overs from a roasted chicken, but now its just a collaboration of vegetables.) This is perfect when under the weather and craving homemade soup!
Perfect single size portion containers!
The second is one of my favorites... White Bean Stew!
French Onion--- so easy to make!
And most recently - Vegetarian Chili.
Saves time & money - highly recommend being organized and planning the simple things in life to make more time for good times with friends & family!
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