Initially, this week's design was inspired by the image below. I loved the small living quarters, and the European feel of the space. As I was working on the design, I came across an article about shipping containers used as the bones of homes. Love this idea, and it conveniently would be doable with my plan below - not to mention, it is financially friendly.
T & D's Cats of the World! Over the last few years (since finishing grad school and actually acquiring free time), I've been expanding my knowledge of the area and venturing to new places. Today I got the opportunity to visit T&D's Cats of the World, an animal refuge for exotic felines and wildlife - only $10 a person. I've always wanted to see a black bear in the wilderness, so for now, this will have to do. It was a warm day, so one of the many bears decided to chill in the pool. Baby Patagonian! Selfie with the deer! Bengal Tiger! 2 Bears chilling... I feel like they were like us, just waiting to see another species walk by the fence for a look. "Hey Bob, look, here come some more humans!" Bear Selfie! Lion! It's sad to see the animals engaged, but at least they are in a better habitat than their previous homes. Totally worth the drive and a nice way to spend the afternoon!
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